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drive with the L Plate Army

Cancer is everywhere

It's everywhere. You likely know a relative, family member and or a friend who has had cancer.   Cancer affects us all, not just the Cancer patient.  Cancer affects relationships and families.


Support is needed, even simple things in life become difficult. 

Its great to donate money to Cancer research but its better to understand why.. Your donations will support Cancer Research and support families and  caregivers.

Cancer interrupts lives, put plans on hold and kills people.

Donating will help disrupt Cancer.

What can you do to get involved. Its simple just understand what Cancer does, how it turns lives upside down..​

Become aware of Cancer, Get involved help fund the solution..

Join our Rally and raise money for Cancer Research

We are a soclal club looking to make a difference. We are looking to raise 10,000 in 2022 for Childhood Leukemia.

Charitable Registration Number

Cancer is relentless.
But so are we. 
We Won't Stop.
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